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Action /state name change depending on attribute value

kavita herur (5876894) | asked May 06 '13, 1:14 a.m.

Hi All,

 I have looked into

my query is similar but not same.

 I have initial state as "New" and next state as "In progress". Before moving  to "In progress" state i want to display actions depending on attribute value.

If attribute value is"A" the action name "A in progress"

For other values action name in  status pull down will remail default as "In Progress"

Please let me know is it possible. and How.



Accepted answer

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered May 06 '13, 1:54 a.m.
hi Kavita, though your requirement is a bit different, i would see it as an extended requirement to the post you have referred to and hence in my opinion Ralph's comments holds for this too.. you should explore writing operation advisors :

kavita herur selected this answer as the correct answer

kavita herur commented Jun 11 '13, 8:33 a.m.

Hi All,

  I have been working on extensions. But  I have no idea on renaming  current work item' s State Transition pull down menu.

Can any one suggect me how to set/what method to be used.

 in Iworkitem, only GetStateTransitions() is present but no further methods to access and rename any on data.

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