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Tracking spent time on related WI's

pere irazusta (2062120) | asked Jun 09 '11, 10:03 a.m.

I'm trying to track the time spent performing tasks in an hieratical WI schema like: WI-A > WI-B > WI-C


- WI-A -> contains WI-B -> contains WI-C
-> contains WI-C
-> contains WI-B -> contains WI-C

- WI-A -> contains WI-B -> contains WI-C
-> contains WI-C

What i need is (without using a plan) that when i check the state of a WI-A (Top level WI) know the % completed of it. But this completation % has to be calculated by:

(adding the time spent in the lower level WI's)/ (adding time estimation of lower level WI's.)

Any idea if this is possible? And where to find info about it? I've tried many OOTB relations between WI's but none has accomplished the behaviour I wanted.


2 answers

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Milan Krivic (98013176143) | answered Jun 09 '11, 5:29 p.m.

I'm trying to track the time spent performing tasks in an hieratical WI schema like: WI-A > WI-B > WI-C


- WI-A -> contains WI-B -> contains WI-C
-> contains WI-C
-> contains WI-B -> contains WI-C

- WI-A -> contains WI-B -> contains WI-C
-> contains WI-C

What i need is (without using a plan) that when i check the state of a WI-A (Top level WI) know the % completed of it. But this completation % has to be calculated by:

(adding the time spent in the lower level WI's)/ (adding time estimation of lower level WI's.)

Any idea if this is possible? And where to find info about it? I've tried many OOTB relations between WI's but none has accomplished the behaviour I wanted.


Hi pirazust,

you can create RTC report which can show you what you want. a good example of hierarchical work items you have here:

Let me know if this helps,

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pere irazusta (2062120) | answered Jun 10 '11, 3:25 a.m.
Thanks for your reply Milan!

It has solved my question partially and has helped to improve a bit my knowledge but this isn't exactly what I was looking for.

The report way is a possibility to get the information but I need to acces the information in a more 'online' way than a 'on demand' report, maybe creating some kind of relation between WIs ( I tested most of them ) or a Widget...

I'm still looking a way to get it! If I get something interesting I'll let you know.

Any help will be appreciated!

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