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What's LDAP import in standard version?

jon chen (4611715) | asked May 29 '08, 5:13 a.m.

In the download page, I saw the standard version contains a component named "LDAP import". In my understanding, we should config LDAP in websphere, rather than RTC.

So, what does LDAP Import means?

7 answers

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Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered May 30 '08, 3:01 p.m.
For LDAP functionality to work, you need to configure WAS to use LDAP and
change few configuration properties in Jazz.

LDAP Import means Jazz server allows Admins to import their LDAP users into
Jazz repository. You can either do a
- manual import of the users present in the LDAP registry using the
Import user function or
- let the nightly LDAP sync task sync up the user records between LDAP
directory and Jazz repository.

------ Balaji

"czhuang" <czhuang> wrote in message

In the download page, I saw the standard version contains a component
named "LDAP import". In my understanding, we should config
LDAP in websphere, rather than RTC.

So, what does LDAP Import means?

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Shawn Lauzon (38174) | answered Jun 03 '08, 11:24 a.m.
Do you have more information on this? I have my server setup to authenticate against LDAP, but the only way I have found of importing is importing one-by-one via the RTC client. Since I have hundreds of users in my LDAP repository, adding them this way is not feasible.

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Jun 03 '08, 2:00 p.m.
I've setup my Jazz server to use BluePages as my LDAP server according to the incredibly helpful LDAP4Dummies wiki page. I have a question on the nightly sync task. Would it sync over all the users in BluePages or just the ones in bluegroups that are mapped to Jazz roles?


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Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered Jun 05 '08, 1:33 p.m.
It will sync only the users present in your bluegroups.

---- Balaji

"lngooi" <lngooi> wrote in message
I've setup my Jazz server to use BluePages as my LDAP server according
to the incredibly helpful LDAP4Dummies wiki page. I have a question
on the nightly sync task. Would it sync over all the users in
BluePages or just the ones in bluegroups that are mapped to Jazz


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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Jun 05 '08, 2:30 p.m.
Thanks. That's good to know.


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Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered Jun 06 '08, 12:35 a.m.
There is a configuration to enable / disable LDAP nightly sync task. I
believe we turned it on by default in Beta3.

Go to localhost:9443/jazz/admin page and look for Advanced Properties. The
property would be under LDAPNightlySync section. The property name is
"Enable LDAP nightly Sync".

--- Balaji

"shawnlauzon" <lauzon> wrote in message
Do you have more information on this? I have my server setup to
authenticate against LDAP, but the only way I have found of importing
is importing one-by-one via the RTC client. Since I have hundreds of
users in my LDAP repository, adding them this way is not feasible.

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Shawn Lauzon (38174) | answered Jun 06 '08, 10:17 a.m.
Ahh, the problem is that I didn't know it was implemented yet :-) I seem to be running M6a. I'll grab RC4, thanks.

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