Is it fine that not adding a Jazz Admin as a Project member and can do activities in a Project Area?
2 answers
To do anything a user needs to have a role with the permissions that are needed.
A user that is not member of a process area (project or team area) has the default/everyone role. If you grant everyone all the permissions everyone can do everything.....
JazzAdmin is not a role in the project area. JazzAdmin is a repository role. The JazzAdmin Role can see all data. The JazzAdmin repository role allows the user to add themselves as administrator of a project area, add themselves as a member to the area, create and assign themselves roles and modify the permission for the roles. Except of some overrides, the JazzAdmin can and needs to grant themselves the permissions to save the project area process etc.
In other words, In a Project, an User with the Jazz Admin and appropriate Permissions cannot do anything like Creating Plans, Creating/Deleting Tasks unless the user added as Member into the Project.
No, with other words, like any other user a user with JazzAdmin repository role requires the permission needed to perform operations. If you grant Everyone all permissions e.g. to be able to create a plan, any user that has access to the project area, even ones without additional roles, can perform the operation.
A user with JazzAdmin repository role however, has access to all project areas, can add themselves as administrator and member, can create and manage roles and permissions, for themselves and others.