Why the RPT,RFT or the RQM could not run together?
One answer
I want to use RQM,RPT and RFT at the same time.
And I installed all in the same machine and I would like to have both running .
But when I run the first one, the others would not be allowed. Why did that happen?
I think your issue is running RPT and RFT at the same time. Not RQM. I suspect you didn't not install RPT and RFT into the same software package. Which means they are 2 separate applications and I'm guessing you are trying to use the same workspace directory when you start RPT and when you start RFT and Eclipse only allows one instance to run against a given workspace directory.
The first thing to try is to specify different directories when starting RFT and RPT. But still based on the way you installed dictates that fact that you must run RPT and RFT separately. You could uninstall one of them then reinstall it and select the option to install into the same software package. This will cause them to appear as one application. So whenever you run one, you are also running the other and all RPT/RFT views and function are available from a single running workbench.
RFT Forum is here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=322
RPT Forum is here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=326&start=0