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Test case which contain multiple test scripts

Audrey Tan (122) | asked Feb 29 '12, 6:56 a.m.

I understand the norm is to have 1 Test script (test steps of the test case) tie to 1 Test case. However, previously somehow there were multiple Test scripts created under ONE "big" Test case, meaning they treated the Test script like as if it was a Test case. Somehow this is creating a mess in generating report of TER Status count - the points (weight) were incorrect.

Is there a way to have these existing Test scripts under the ONE big Test case reorganized into new Test Cases?


4 answers

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Christophe Telep (236) | answered Feb 29 '12, 7:35 a.m.

You can create several test cases that point to those same test scripts you already have. And then, you could create one test suite that include all those test cases.


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Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Mar 19 '12, 10:30 p.m.
this is not supported currently, you can open an enhancement for this requirement.

You can create several test cases that point to those same test scripts you already have. And then, you could create one test suite that include all those test cases.


Hi ctelep,

Can you provide samples (1 MS Excel - 1 worksheet and 1 cfg file) on how to do this relationship:
1. a test suite contains more than 1 test case.
2. a test case containts more than 1 test script?

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.


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Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Mar 20 '12, 11:21 p.m.

I have some questions before doing the update,
you mentioned "I can import many test cases with many test scripts
in MS Excel format."
do you mean 1 testcase with several testscrips and you imported several testcases one by one?

if so, I don't suggest you to do the update, because while you specify the testcase internal id and testcase title and there will be new testcase xml created and update the existing with the same internal id, because the test xml only contains title the update result will be description will be and previous value, while some others such as custom attributes and links will be set to null or unassigned, which means your previously linked scrips linked to testcase will missed, this is caused by "blind update" approach.
we have a workitem 63406: As a test case author, let me upload test cases via the Excel importer and link them to an existing test plan.
to track this.

if not, I would like to take a look at your config fine and excel samples.

this is not supported currently, you can open an enhancement for this requirement.

You can create several test cases that point to those same test scripts you already have. And then, you could create one test suite that include all those test cases.


Hi ctelep,

Can you provide samples (1 MS Excel - 1 worksheet and 1 cfg file) on how to do this relationship:
1. a test suite contains more than 1 test case.
2. a test case containts more than 1 test script?

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.


Hi wanhaobj,

Thank you for the response.
At the moment, I can import many test cases with many test scripts
in MS Excel format.

How about linking a test suite with existing test cases?
What the configuration file is supposed to look like if all test cases
have their own existing system ID (generated automatically by IBM
How the XLSArtifactID comes into play?

Sample layout of the MS Excel in one worksheet:
| Test Suite Name: | Sample Tst Suite |
| aaaaaaaaaaaaaa|aaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
|Test Case IDaaaaa|Test Case Namea|
| what ID?aaaaaaa|existing tc namea|
| etc.aaaaaaaaaaa| etc.aaaaaaaaaaa|

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.

permanent link
Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Mar 26 '12, 1:20 a.m.
I think out a way for your case which I think it's not best pratice.

step 1. testsuite.XLSLink=testcase
and testcase.XLSArtifactID=column,

this create the link testcase with the testsuite.

step 2.after finishing this, the testcase only contains title, and you know the external id (testcase.XLSArtifactID=column)

then run your script to create testcase and testscript, the testcases external should be the same as those in step 1, this time the new testcase update the existing one you created in step 1.
then testcases will linked to testscripts and testcases linked to testsuite will still there.

hope this will solve your problem.


I have some questions before doing the update,
you mentioned "I can import many test cases with many test scripts
in MS Excel format."
do you mean 1 testcase with several testscrips and you imported several testcases one by one?

if so, I don't suggest you to do the update, because while you specify the testcase internal id and testcase title and there will be new testcase xml created and update the existing with the same internal id, because the test xml only contains title the update result will be description will be and previous value, while some others such as custom attributes and links will be set to null or unassigned, which means your previously linked scrips linked to testcase will missed, this is caused by "blind update" approach.
we have a workitem 63406: As a test case author, let me upload test cases via the Excel importer and link them to an existing test plan.
to track this.

if not, I would like to take a look at your config fine and excel samples.

this is not supported currently, you can open an enhancement for this requirement.

You can create several test cases that point to those same test scripts you already have. And then, you could create one test suite that include all those test cases.


Hi ctelep,

Can you provide samples (1 MS Excel - 1 worksheet and 1 cfg file) on how to do this relationship:
1. a test suite contains more than 1 test case.
2. a test case containts more than 1 test script?

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.


Hi wanhaobj,

Thank you for the response.
At the moment, I can import many test cases with many test scripts
in MS Excel format.

How about linking a test suite with existing test cases?
What the configuration file is supposed to look like if all test cases
have their own existing system ID (generated automatically by IBM
How the XLSArtifactID comes into play?

Sample layout of the MS Excel in one worksheet:
| Test Suite Name: | Sample Tst Suite |
| aaaaaaaaaaaaaa|aaaaaaaaaaaaaa|
|Test Case IDaaaaa|Test Case Namea|
| what ID?aaaaaaa|existing tc namea|
| etc.aaaaaaaaaaa| etc.aaaaaaaaaaa|

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.

Hi wanhaobj,

As far as Test Case and Test Scripts, this is what I have:
1. I create an MS Excel file.
2. Per worksheet, I create a test case. The test case consists of
more than 1 test script.
3. I create a configuration file.
4. Import the MS Excel file.
5. Completed.

Because I cannot link a test suite with many test cases in one
Excel file, I have decided to separate them.
The next file I want to create is 1 excel file which contains
test suites (per worksheet). And within 1 test suite, I will have
many existing test cases.
I can create the MS Excel file (the one I had posted is only
for one worksheet).
The problem is I cannot create the configuration file.
How should I associate the existing test cases' IDs in IBM Rational
with the ones in MS Excel?

Please let me know how to accomplish this task.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

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