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No text in the view test plan and view test cases

Arthur Winterling (1634) | asked May 09 '11, 9:12 a.m.
Have RQM 2.0.1 and use webclients.
We have one person which has problems with the views.
If called VIEW TEST PLAN he see only entries in the colum ID and Risk all other colums are empty. We have several test plans and via clicking on ID he can move to a test plan.
If he then calls VIEW TEST CASES in a test plan the same again, he see only entries in the colum ID, Risk, Suspect and Weight all other colums are empty and contain no text. We have a lot of test cases and via clicking on ID leads him to a test case.
All other people in this project do not have this problem. He uses windows 7 and firefox 3.6.
Can anyone help?

2 answers

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Kurtis Martin (1.4k11) | answered May 09 '11, 5:34 p.m.
Have RQM 2.0.1 and use webclients.
We have one person which has problems with the views.
If called VIEW TEST PLAN he see only entries in the colum ID and Risk all other colums are empty. We have several test plans and via clicking on ID he can move to a test plan.
If he then calls VIEW TEST CASES in a test plan the same again, he see only entries in the colum ID, Risk, Suspect and Weight all other colums are empty and contain no text. We have a lot of test cases and via clicking on ID leads him to a test case.
All other people in this project do not have this problem. He uses windows 7 and firefox 3.6.
Can anyone help?

Ask him to clear his browser file cache. Also try logging in as a different user from his machine.

I've been using Win 7 with FF 3.6 for a while and haven't seen such issues. Although I'm using more recent versions of RQM, + latest iFix 3

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Arthur Winterling (1634) | answered May 13 '11, 10:36 a.m.
Thanks for the hints but they did not help. We found now a solution by going to firefox 4. After updating the problem is gone and he can go on with is work. It seems to be a problem with the firefox level under windows 7.

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