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Setting up work item approval as pre-condition for delivery

Maggie Stearns (1063027) | asked Feb 25 '11, 10:59 a.m.

I'm using RTC2.0.0.2iFix4

We have an unstable stream. We would like to setup the approvals to only allow delivery if any one of the scrum masters approves the associated work item (or if I could aad a set of names that would be OK too).

I opened the project, went to Process Configuration, Team Configuration, Operations Behavior, Source Control, Deliver (client), and added "Require Work Item Approval" and added one scrum master as approver. So I assume this is now set for all streams owned by the root level project. How can I set this per stream (if I have multiple streams owned by this top level project area)?

When I try to deliver (after getting approvals in the work item) it gives me the error that says I need approvals.

The work item is filed against the top level project. I got approval from the scrum master of the top level project. The stream is owned by the top level project.

I'm not sure why this is not working and I also don't know how it works for seeking approval on work items filed against the sub level scrum teams who have different scum masters while my stream is owned by the top level project.


3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 28 '11, 2:27 a.m.
Hi Maggie,

in general your approach should work.

Please not that you can't configure the required approval at a stream level. You configure the behavior on the level of the team that owns the stream and for the roles that are available in the team.

This implies that the scrum master that needs to approve has the scrum master role in the team that owns the stream.

In addition you probably would want to change ownership of the stream to the team working on it. This would allow the scrum master of the team to approve for changes against the teams stream. On a higher integration level the respective team's scrum master would have the rights to approve.

Please also note that you need to think about which roles get the operational behavior. Everyone would imply every one has to have an approval, even the scrum master. This can be changed by carefully changing the behavior for other roles. discusses this with more depth.



I'm using RTC2.0.0.2iFix4

We have an unstable stream. We would like to setup the approvals to only allow delivery if any one of the scrum masters approves the associated work item (or if I could aad a set of names that would be OK too).

I opened the project, went to Process Configuration, Team Configuration, Operations Behavior, Source Control, Deliver (client), and added "Require Work Item Approval" and added one scrum master as approver. So I assume this is now set for all streams owned by the root level project. How can I set this per stream (if I have multiple streams owned by this top level project area)?

When I try to deliver (after getting approvals in the work item) it gives me the error that says I need approvals.

The work item is filed against the top level project. I got approval from the scrum master of the top level project. The stream is owned by the top level project.

I'm not sure why this is not working and I also don't know how it works for seeking approval on work items filed against the sub level scrum teams who have different scum masters while my stream is owned by the top level project.


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Maggie Stearns (1063027) | answered Mar 01 '11, 1:43 p.m.
Is there a way to apply the approval requirement to only a subset of streams and not all streams in the project? I have several streams and I don't want to force that requirement on all streams.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 01 '11, 2:05 p.m.

I was maybe not clear enough on that. You can control that on the owner level (the project/team).

If you only configure it for certain teams it will only be applied to streams that are owned by that teams. They can literally control the rules for the streams they own.

Some teams have that set, maybe only in certain iterations (you can also set it in time lines and for iteration types). If the stream is owned by the team and the right conditions hold, the precondition would trigger.

For streams that are owned by other teams (or the project) that don't have the precondition won't trigger.

Please also have a look at the article I mentioned below it really explains how this works in general.


Is there a way to apply the approval requirement to only a subset of streams and not all streams in the project? I have several streams and I don't want to force that requirement on all streams.

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