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Custom web services on Jazz application

Marko Tomljenovic (31649109) | asked Dec 12 '16, 8:24 a.m.
In RTC it is possible to implement and deploy custom web services that are running as part of the RTC application.
Is this also possible for the other Jazz based applications?
What about:
-       DNG
-       RQM
-       GC
-       RDM
-       JRS
Background of the question is that we maybe think about implementing a custom web service for automatically/easier assigning/unassigning roles to users.

But this only makes sense if we can deploy the same service to all application servers.

2 answers

permanent link
Paul Tasillo (10665) | answered Dec 13 '16, 7:49 a.m.
This is not currently supported for RQM.

permanent link
Sasha Rekhter (5111) | answered Dec 13 '16, 11:43 a.m.
Not available in Rhapsody Design Manager.

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