m6:failed to log into system
10 answers
openeis wrote:
AFAIK for M6 it is mandatory to set up provisioning.
My env is WINDOW 2003/DB2 V9.5/WAS
Access https://hostname:9443/jazz/admin
it dispay loading...
client log in ,it display "failed to log into ..."
detail :return code 404.
There is NON-ERROR comments in systemerror.log systemout.log
did you see this:
AFAIK for M6 it is mandatory to set up provisioning.
I follow the docs https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/JazzProvisionerSetupInWAS.
but failed to log into system again.
I did as the following :
# Download the relevant Jazz Server Provisioning SDK. (JazzProvisioningTeamServer-.zip)(i don't do)
# Unzip
# Copy the profile.ini found in the jazz\server directory of the SDK to a location accessible by your WAS server.(i don't do)
there have a file profile in server directory of m6
step 4 Edit the copied profile.ini file and change the url property to point to a fully qualified path to the "jazz\server\update-site" directory of the SDK
my comments:
profile.ini :
custom properties:
but failed to log into system again.
I did as the following :
# Download the relevant Jazz Server Provisioning SDK. (JazzProvisioningTeamServer-.zip)(i don't do)
# Unzip
# Copy the profile.ini found in the jazz\server directory of the SDK to a location accessible by your WAS server.(i don't do)
there have a file profile in server directory of m6
step 4 Edit the copied profile.ini file and change the url property to point to a fully qualified path to the "jazz\server\update-site" directory of the SDK
my comments:
profile.ini :
custom properties:
openeis wrote:
profile.ini suggests that you are on Windows. If you are running on
Windows, custom properties should be like:
depending on where your profile.ini, teamserver.properties and
log4j.properties are located
I follow the docs
but failed to log into system again.
I did as the following :
# Download the relevant Jazz Server Provisioning SDK.
(JazzProvisioningTeamServer-.zip)(i don't do)
# Unzip
# Copy the profile.ini found in the jazz\server directory of the SDK
to a location accessible by your WAS server.(i don't do)
there have a file profile in server directory of m6
step 4 Edit the copied profile.ini file and change the url property to
point to a fully qualified path to the
"jazz\server\update-site" directory of the SDK
my comments:
profile.ini :
custom properties:
To me your custom properties look like you are running on Linux but your
profile.ini suggests that you are on Windows. If you are running on
Windows, custom properties should be like:
depending on where your profile.ini, teamserver.properties and
log4j.properties are located
after I access https://hostname:9443/jazz/admin and https://hostname:9443/jazz/seup successfully.
but failed to log into system using Client.
the message is "Unknow user ADMIN"
I Search user in https://hostname:9443/jazz/admin
it display "No matching users found" .
so I think Maybe I am wrong step.
who can help me confirm step.
1.install db2 v9.5/was
2.install RTC Application in WAS.
3.access https://hostname:9443/jazz/admin
4.Creating a project area.
5.setup RTC to support LDAP.
If I want to support LDAP,when should I setup Users
but failed to log into system using Client.
the message is "Unknow user ADMIN"
I Search user in https://hostname:9443/jazz/admin
it display "No matching users found" .
so I think Maybe I am wrong step.
who can help me confirm step.
1.install db2 v9.5/was
2.install RTC Application in WAS.
3.access https://hostname:9443/jazz/admin
4.Creating a project area.
5.setup RTC to support LDAP.
If I want to support LDAP,when should I setup Users
openeis wrote:
after I access https://hostname:9443/jazz/admin and
https://hostname:9443/jazz/seup successfully.
but failed to log into system using Client.
the message is "Unknow user ADMIN"
I Search user in https://wci146.cn.ibm.com:9443/jazz/admin
it display "No matching users found" .
so I think Maybe I am wrong step.
who can help me confirm step.
1.install db2 v9.5/was
2.install RTC Application in WAS.
3.access https://hostname:9443/jazz/admin
4.Creating a project area.
5.setup RTC to support LDAP.
If I want to support LDAP,when I should setup Users
this wiki page should help:
I follow https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ServerSetupForLdapConfigurationM6
to setup bluepages LDAP.
I use the docs of beta2 bluepages LDAP.
(except :1.Open the teamserver.properties and uncomment the following line
com.ibm.team.repository.ws.allow.guest.access = false
Save the file).
but I connect server using client.The message is the following:
failed to log into hostname.
return code 302 from http request :found.
when I create user by web ui,the message is the following :
Error fetching user registry information. Please check your user registry configuration.
Bad Request
my https://localhost:9443/jazz/setup config:
LDAP Registry Location:ldap://xxxxxx.xxx.com :636
User Name:same as sametime(mail)
Base User DN:o=ibm.com
User Property Names Mapping:userId=uid,name=cn,emailAddress=mail
Base Group DN:ou=myteamgroup in xxxxxx.xxx.com,dc=ibm,dc=com
to setup bluepages LDAP.
I use the docs of beta2 bluepages LDAP.
(except :1.Open the teamserver.properties and uncomment the following line
com.ibm.team.repository.ws.allow.guest.access = false
Save the file).
but I connect server using client.The message is the following:
failed to log into hostname.
return code 302 from http request :found.
when I create user by web ui,the message is the following :
Error fetching user registry information. Please check your user registry configuration.
Bad Request
my https://localhost:9443/jazz/setup config:
LDAP Registry Location:ldap://xxxxxx.xxx.com :636
User Name:same as sametime(mail)
Base User DN:o=ibm.com
User Property Names Mapping:userId=uid,name=cn,emailAddress=mail
Base Group DN:ou=myteamgroup in xxxxxx.xxx.com,dc=ibm,dc=com
openeis wrote:
repository connection as "http://localhost:9080/..." instead of
If you continue to have trouble, you can check in sametime if I'm online
and ping me so we can chat about it and try to resolve.
I follow
to setup bluepages LDAP.
I use the docs of beta2 bluepages LDAP.
(except :1.Open the teamserver.properties and uncomment the following
com.ibm.team.repository.ws.allow.guest.access = false
Save the file).
but I connect server using client.The message is the following:
failed to log into hostname.
return code 302 from http request :found.
when I create user by web ui,the message is the following :
Error fetching user registry information. Please check your user
registry configuration.
Bad Request
my https://localhost:9443/jazz/setup config:
LDAP Registry Location:ldap://xxxxxx.xxx.com :636
User Name:same as sametime(mail)
Base User DN:o=ibm.com
User Property Names Mapping:userId=uid,name=cn,emailAddress=mail
Base Group DN:ou=myteamgroup in xxxxxx.xxx.com,dc=ibm,dc=com
when you get a 302 in your client then you have probably specified your
repository connection as "http://localhost:9080/..." instead of
If you continue to have trouble, you can check in sametime if I'm online
and ping me so we can chat about it and try to resolve.