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RTC 3.0 RC2 CRJAZ1678E Error during service contribution reg

I installed RTC (Derby). After restarting the server machine, I was able to configure ccm. On Register Application page, I didn't change the default values (https://asgd02xxfcr001v.sgappstst.barclayscorp.com:9443/ccm/scr). There wasn't any error raised during configuration.
I stopped the jazz team server. Then when I started the jazz team server again, the page is again not launching.
I check jts.log, I get a new set of error:
ERROR discovery.service.internal.ServiceRegistrationTask - CRJAZ1678E Error during service contribution registration from https://asgd02xxfcr001v.sgappstst.barclayscorp.com:9443/ccm/scr
com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: CRJAZ1670E Error updating service contributions for application 28548958-004f-4a4f-bf34-01cd894d8215 from https://asgd02xxfcr001v.sgappstst.barclayscorp.com:9443/ccm/scr
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Could this be the reason why the page is not launching?
Many thanks!
I installed RTC (Derby). After restarting the server machine, I was able to configure ccm. On Register Application page, I didn't change the default values (https://asgd02xxfcr001v.sgappstst.barclayscorp.com:9443/ccm/scr). There wasn't any error raised during configuration.
I stopped the jazz team server. Then when I started the jazz team server again, the page is again not launching.
I check jts.log, I get a new set of error:
ERROR discovery.service.internal.ServiceRegistrationTask - CRJAZ1678E Error during service contribution registration from https://asgd02xxfcr001v.sgappstst.barclayscorp.com:9443/ccm/scr
com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: CRJAZ1670E Error updating service contributions for application 28548958-004f-4a4f-bf34-01cd894d8215 from https://asgd02xxfcr001v.sgappstst.barclayscorp.com:9443/ccm/scr
Does anyone know how to resolve this? Could this be the reason why the page is not launching?
Many thanks!
One answer

Hi Joycelyn,
While researching this issue I found a technote "in progress" which mentioned the following:
the WAS environment is corrupted, can be caused by a bad configuration during
the setup
If the server was started once with
the wrong settings it would be a good idea to delete the temp/working
directories of the application in WAS so that a reprovision happens the
folder contains OSGIi provisioning files and it won't effect your
Just to be on the safe side, create a back up from the folder before
deleting it.
Hope this helps
While researching this issue I found a technote "in progress" which mentioned the following:
the WAS environment is corrupted, can be caused by a bad configuration during
the setup
If the server was started once with
the wrong settings it would be a good idea to delete the temp/working
directories of the application in WAS so that a reprovision happens the
folder contains OSGIi provisioning files and it won't effect your
Just to be on the safe side, create a back up from the folder before
deleting it.
Hope this helps