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Adding WAS nodes to existing RAFW topology

Ronald Signorino (3154) | asked Oct 06 '10, 2:00 p.m.

I have a WAS v7 ND topology of 12 nodes, 90 clusters that was originally created with BF/RAFW.

We now have to add nodes to this topology and shift some of the existing clusters to the new nodes. I don't see a way of using to add nodes to an existing /user/environments/<env_name>

So what is the approach to get the new node and node-cluster associations defined in the RAFW environment tree?

Then I can use RAFW to: install WAS v7 to the new nodes, create the clusters on the new nodes, and deploy applications to the clusters on the new nodes.

Note this is RAFW version, with no opportunity to upgrade to later RAFW version in the timeframe in which the new nodes must be added.

Thanks and regards,
- Ron

4 answers

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Timothy Robertson (216143) | answered Oct 06 '10, 4:28 p.m.
Currently there isn't an automated way in RAFW to accomplish this task. We do have a request for enhancement opened internally for this enhancement and I will add a note indicating your interest.
For now you will have to perform this operation manually. If you nodes follow a pattern you can copy existing node directories in the rafw_home/user/environments/envname/cells/cellname/nodes directory.
For example, copy the node1 directory to nodeNN directory. You will then need to update configuration files in the tree. In the cell level file you will need to add the new node to the list of nodes in the NODES property.
In the newly created nodeNN directory you will want to look at the and files, if your nodes are created following a pattern, the updates should be minimal. You will also want to updated the servers directory(ies) nested in the nodeNN directory.
For new clusters, you will want to follow a similar pattern for the rafw_home/user/environments/envname/cells/cellname/clusters/clustername
Updating the file to specify the correct nodes.

Additionally, you will need to update the Environment Group in Build Forge to reflect the changes made to your RAFW environment.

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Ronald Signorino (3154) | answered Oct 06 '10, 5:54 p.m.
Hi Tim:

Thanks for the quick reply. It's great there is an RFE for this, as topologies change along with business needs, and to address performance and capacity management issues.

I will proceed down the path you suggested.

- Ron

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sriram thiruvenkatachari (8698) | answered Oct 08 '10, 2:53 p.m.
Hi Tim, I will also be interested to know when this enhancement will be introduced into BF RAFW. We have similar needs to scale horizontally.


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Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Oct 08 '10, 4:04 p.m.
Hi Tim, we also have a large insurance customer in Columbus that is interested in this enhancement request.

Also, after following Tim's steps of configuring the xml and properties files, you'll want to know what commands to execute. To add a new federated node you'd:
rafw -env <env> -cell <cell> -node <new_node> -t was_70_install_managed_profile

rafw -env <env> -cell <cell> -cluster <cluster> -t was_common_configure_create_cluster (this will re-create an existing cluster too)

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