RQM 3.0 question about suites
I have a question about suites for RQM 3.0, if I run a suite weather in seq or parallel, if the fist test case I execute fails, which results in the others being blocked, is there a quick way to bulk update the other test cases to blocked, without having to block each TC by running it and bulk updating each step?
I have a question about suites for RQM 3.0, if I run a suite weather in seq or parallel, if the fist test case I execute fails, which results in the others being blocked, is there a quick way to bulk update the other test cases to blocked, without having to block each TC by running it and bulk updating each step?
3 answers
Any reposonse from the RQM Staff on this?
Since suites are first class citizens in 3.0, was there any consideration in this line of thinking?
Since suites are first class citizens in 3.0, was there any consideration in this line of thinking?
I have a question about suites for RQM 3.0, if I run a suite weather in seq or parallel, if the fist test case I execute fails, which results in the others being blocked, is there a quick way to bulk update the other test cases to blocked, without having to block each TC by running it and bulk updating each step?