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RQM 5.0: Track Test case Status in RQM through Mail

Naveen Tyagi (19775152) | asked May 25 '15, 8:33 a.m.
Every section in Test case taken care by different team and this complete process has to go through the custom workflow i have created in order to complete the Test Case. TeamA will responsible for activities have to be performed at state1 and TeamB for the activities at  state2 at so on.
I want, when TeamA completed its task and changes  workflow  "Action" to state2 then TeamB gets a mail as notification to start work TeamB is responsible for at state2 and so on for other teams. How can i make this possible or is there any alternative solution to this ? Thanks in Advance. :) :)

Accepted answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered May 25 '15, 11:52 a.m.
Naveen Tyagi selected this answer as the correct answer

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