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Quick-Find, -Filter and -Colorize on Custom Attributes

James Leone (13613513) | asked Jul 01 '10, 4:57 p.m.

I am using RTC According to this article: I should be able to define expressions that I can use to filter out and find certain work item.

We have created a custom Enumeration attribute for Task type work items called "function". The values are Development, Verification, & Requirements.

I have created and expression like "function:Verification" but it does not seem to work. I would expect it to highlight all Verification tasks on our scrum board. If I do something like "priority:High" it does highlight all High priority tasks on our scrum board so I am doing something right, just not everything.

Is this a bug or "by design"? I assumed I could rely on custom attributes for the expressions. Maybe not?

Please clarify if I should submit a defect or not for this. Maybe it's already resolved.

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James Leone (13613513) | answered Jul 06 '10, 6:00 p.m.
I created Defect 120455 for this.

Susan Hanson commented Aug 09 '13, 2:24 a.m.

What is the status of this?  I am on and I am unable to get colorization of the My Work view to colorize work items based on a custom attribute.

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