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RTC Express Reports error

Angelo Corna (26358383) | asked Apr 29 '10, 6:00 a.m.

I've created a project area on my RTC ifix 2 Express Edition environment using the Simple process template.
When I try to add a viewlet containing a report, on the viewlet there is the following message:

Report with ID 'workitems.MicroOpenWorkItemsByPriority' is not deployed to project area 'multidata test'. Click here to select a different project area.

The message is the same far all the reports that I've created.

If I select a project area defined with the Scrum process template, I can see the data without problems.

Is it correct? How can I deploy the reports on my "simple" project area?

Thanks in advance.

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Apr 30 '10, 1:47 p.m.
On 4/29/2010 6:08 AM, angelo_corna wrote:

I've created a project area on my RTC ifix 2 Express Edition
environment using the Simple process template.
When I try to add a viewlet containing a report, on the viewlet there
is the following message:

Report with ID 'workitems.MicroOpenWorkItemsByPriority' is not
deployed to project area 'multidata test'. Click here to select a
different project area.

The message is the same far all the reports that I've created.

If I select a project area defined with the Scrum process template, I
can see the data without problems.

Is it correct? How can I deploy the reports on my "simple"
project area?

Thanks in advance.

The simple process template does not include any reports. If you use the
scrum template, for example, all of the dashboard reports should be
correctly deployed. Manual deployment of report templates is not
supported for Express.

RTC Reports Team Lead

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