CRJZS0383E The "Test" bundle could not be resolved
With RTC 4.0.3 , I am facing the issue "CRJZS0383E The "Test" bundle could not be resolved" while deploying the "Test" operation advisor whcih has the following plugin.xml file. Also I am facing the same issue for other advisor and participnat too with RTC 4.0.3. We can build this Test plugin without any compilation warning or errors and it has a simple code to read the work item old and new state. We have not faced such issue before with RTC 3.x , if anyone is aware of this issue and solution then could you please share the same.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>
<requiredService interface="" />
Accepted answer
4 other answers
Again, I would suggest to use Jetty first. See . There are several examples as well, you could look at.
In addition, if you have not created a TEST bundle you have a dependency to some bundle that is not on the server. If you have a TEST bundle then you failed to build and deploy that bundle.
lately, i have seen one more scenario where this error shows up :
Errors of the sort :
CRJZS0383E The "rtc_test_plugin" bundle could not be resolved.
are seen when
"the version of java on the server where the plugin is provisioned"
is lower than
"the version of java used by the eclipse client where the plugin is developed"
by pointing my Eclipse project to refer to the JRE from the server installation, and resetting the server (cmdRequestReset) and reprovisioning the update site, the issue was resolved for me...
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 12 '13, 6:33 a.m.You have an issue with how you deploy the plugin. It is almost impossible to tell what you are doing wrong from just the information above. Is it working in a Jetty debug server Launch?
Dashrath Kale
Sep 12 '13, 3:20 a.m.Hi Ralph
Thank you for your quick response.
Following are the more details on this:
I have not faced such issue with RTC 3.x and RTC 4.0.1 but facing for RTC 4.0.3.
Let me know if you need more infomration.
Dashrath Kale
Sep 12 '13, 3:22 a.m.Also I do not use the Jetty debug server launch.