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Displaying ReqPro Number in Doc in RRC

Arnold Cruz (16414031) | asked Mar 24 '10, 2:22 p.m.

When you insert a requirement artifact in Rational Requirements Composer (RRC), is there a way to show the ReqPro requirement number also? Attached is a snapshot of the document.. The requirement
"Test of BR" .. Is there a way so it can show

BR1 "Test of BR"

where BR1 is the requirement number in ReqPro?

One answer

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Mar 24 '10, 7:46 p.m.
Currently, you can see the requirement tags in the "Requirements" tab in the project dashboard. You can also "ctrl+click" to bring up the requirement, where you can see the ReqPro tag in the sidebar.

The tags do not show from within the document. If you still have a need to see this information from within the document, I would suggest creating an enhancement, requesting the ability to see the ReqPro tag when hovering over the requirement (or any other place you require). Hope it helps!

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