Command in cfg file when Importing test cases from excel.
Is there any command that can be used in the .cfg file to set the Originator value in a test case (from the .cfg file) while importing Test Cases from an excel sheet.
I tried using testcase.Originator.value='ABCD' " but it accepts the currently logged users name by defalt.
Please let me know if you are aware of a specific command so that the Originator value in the Test case can be set from the .cfg file.
I tried using testcase.Originator.value='ABCD' " but it accepts the currently logged users name by defalt.
Please let me know if you are aware of a specific command so that the Originator value in the Test case can be set from the .cfg file.
2 answers
Is there any command that can be used in the .cfg file to set the Originator value in a test case (from the .cfg file) while importing Test Cases from an excel sheet.
I tried using testcase.Originator.value='ABCD' " but it accepts the currently logged users name by defalt.
Please let me know if you are aware of a specific command so that the Originator value in the Test case can be set from the .cfg file.
The command is "testcase.dc:creater=<column> . But this command changes the Value for Originator field of Test Case only. Test Scripts Originator value is not changed. It remains the default users value only. If any body knows the exact command to change the Originator value of a Test Script, please let me know. I doubt it is testscript.alm:owner=<column> but "alm" namespace gives error.
Is there any command that can be used in the .cfg file to set the Originator value in a test case (from the .cfg file) while importing Test Cases from an excel sheet.
I tried using testcase.Originator.value='ABCD' " but it accepts the currently logged users name by defalt.
Please let me know if you are aware of a specific command so that the Originator value in the Test case can be set from the .cfg file.
The command is "testcase.dc:creater=<column> . But this command changes the Value for Originator field of Test Case only. Test Scripts Originator value is not changed. It remains the default users value only. If any body knows the exact command to change the Originator value of a Test Script, please let me know. I doubt it is testscript.alm:owner=<column> but "alm" namespace gives error.
I use jzalm and it works. Try it!!!