ETM/RQM Test Environments - Temperature, Humidity, etc.
One answer
I've done this for several clients and it works pretty well, but it's fiddly to set up because of how environments work.
An environment can be though of as a set of requirements that have to be available in order to run a particular test. You define a set of properties with values that represent what has to be available and set up before a test assigned to that environment can be run.
Resources are created from environments and represent actual machines or equipment - they may have some or all of the properties in one or more environments. Resources can be arranged in cells and groups, and can be reserved and booked for testing work.
A channel is a partial set of properties related to one or more environments - it's sort of orthogonal to an environment. When you set up channels you sync them to environments, and then you can assign tests to a channel and it'll work out which environments (and therefore resources) match what you need. For instance, you may have tests that need to be run using a power supply with specific power rating, and you may have several environments that have power supplies that will do the job. A channel that defines the necessary power supply rating can be defined and it'll help you find any environment that matches and then any resources that are free to run your tests