How does the addition of GC and local baselines impact QM and RM?

Accepted answer

A baseline describes artifacts at a specific point in time. Implementations vary, but generally, it is the specific versions (a list) of artifacts that are used at a point in time.
A Local Global Configuration is a grouping of one or more baselines with the artifacts being from the same application. To see Global Configurations across tools, you would need to examine the GCM Global Configuration.
A local GC is used to resolve components to a GC context. It also includes GC contribution data. We keep local versions in the applications to improve overall performance. A GC is a collection of versioned artifacts from one or more tools. A local GC will show you those streams and contained artifacts that "live" in that tool.
<o:p> </o:p>
GC Stream <o:p> </o:p>
ETM Stream <o:p> </o:p>
Test Case 1 Version <o:p> </o:p>
Test Case 2 Version <o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
The local configuration shows you those elements in that tool, while the global version gives you a view across multiple products. <o:p> </o:p>
One other answer

The ELM tools, when using them configuration management enabled, do not duplicate data. The configurations select the version.

thaks for the quick answer, Ralph! Can you elaborate little more, please?

My understanding is:
Items have an item ID. Each item has a state ID. When Items are changed, a new state id is used. An item can have a predecessor item, this makes up the history.
Configurations like baselines select the item and state for the elements they contain as far as I know. So they do not store a copy of the object but a reference to the version of the object.