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How to get project area and stream name using fileitem/versionable handle (item id and state id)

Accepted answer

As far as my experience goes, is the SCM system designed that its items are not part of the project area hierarchy. Streams can be owned by project areas and you can control access and visibility, but there is no natural relationship to versionables. You would have to use search capabilities such as locate change sets to find out, if a versionable is in a stream. For the stream you would have to look at the ownership properties to see, if there is a relationship to a project area.

Ok, do you know any locate change sets APIs that we can implement in Java?

There are the available APIS: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMProductAPILanding
See https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2024/02/09/ewm-rational-team-concert-extensions-workshop-changes-for-7-0-3/ and https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/09/30/learning-to-fly-getting-started-with-the-rtc-java-apis/ to get started. https://github.com/jazz-community/ewm-scm-utils has some example code as well.

Oke, thank you so much, grateful!