ETM Excel Importer returns "You do not have access to any project areas" when the user account is JazzUser
we have a new install of ELM7 (7.0.2sr1)
As a project admin I have JazzAdmin repository permission - ETM excel import is loaded and works as expected
We have an end user testing this application and the user only has a JazzUser repository permission. After launching the ETM excel too, his account is validated correctly, but presents no project areas to import into - instead it displays a message indicating that he does not have access to any project areas (which he does).
Do we have bug in the importer tool ???
Accepted answer
It turns out that in ELM7 you need to have permissions for both XML Import and XML Export - our original version of the tools which is being upgraded did not require the XML Export permission. Adding this to the permissons resolved the issue.
Strange message to give however, that you don't have any project memberships for a permission error on XML.