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Double link to requirement after excel import to RQM

Sandro Gross (174) | asked Mar 03 '23, 3:38 a.m.
edited Mar 03 '23, 5:25 a.m.

 Hello everyone,

We are using n:m mapping, this means one test case to one or more requirements.
I would like to create "new" test cases in RQM with content of an excel file and they already have an existing link to a requirement in DNG. (like a migration)

For this solution I use in the config file:
for the n:m mapping I use ‘new line’ or 'coma' in the column of Req. ID - so far so good

But after the import of test cases, the test case has an double link of the same requirement ID to DNG and I don't know why.

for example:
DNG Req-ID 1234
DNG Req-ID 3456
Excel import to RQM
TC link to DNG "1234", "1234", "3456", "3456"

if I have an only one requirement ID it is the same
DNG Req-ID 1234
Excel import to RQM
TC link to DNG "1234", "1234"

Has anybody an idea? 

sorry, i can't upload a picture ( >60 reputation points)

Ian Barnard commented Mar 03 '23, 9:59 a.m.

In DOORS Next you have core (base) artifacts and when you reuse one of these in a module (any number of times into any number of modules) these are all valid targets for links - so it can appear you have multiple links to an artifact with the same ID but they should all be distinct entries in a module and/or there can be one to the base artifact. So try opening these artifacts and look at the context they open in.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Mar 06 '23, 6:53 p.m.
Hi Sandro

As Ian replied, there are base and module requirements in DNG.
Please refer to the article in ETMExcelImporter

[LinkByExistingID] has the below
Note: The following points are specific to the module identifier support in v701 and later.
  • To link to an existing module-specific requirement, specify the requirement identifier in the format of MODULE_ID.REQUIREMENT_ID. For example, the requirement identifier is specified as '1476.2345', where '1476' is the module identifier and '2345' is the requirement identifier..
  • If the module identifier is not specified in the requirement identifier, then the test artifact is linked to the non-module requirement and module requirement (if any).
Sandro Gross selected this answer as the correct answer

Sandro Gross commented Mar 07 '23, 8:52 a.m.

Hello Yang

Thx, sometimes I don't see the wood for the trees

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