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RTC Query for export the Work item History via excel

Is there a way where we can have an RTC Query for export the Work item History via excel ?
The requirement is to have to actually have the dates for State Transition but due to the dynamic change on "last Transaction Date", unable to get the initial set of transactions.
Any ideas / insights ?
One answer

I have not looked into the reporting aspect of this. So there might be something I am unaware of.
As far as I am a ware there is nothing out of the box that would allow to do that.
A customer has created an extension to be able to see the status history in the Web UI: https://github.com/jazz-community/rtc-statushistory-presentation
The EWM SDK/Plain Java Client Libraries allows to retrieve the historical states of a work item. Based on that you should be able to access the auditable history, including workflow sate changes using:
com.ibm.team.repository.client.IItemManager.fetchAllStateHandles(IAuditableHandle, IProgressMonitor)
You can then resolve all these history states of the work item, sort them and get at the data you want.
Just y 2 cents.