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DOORS 9.7 and RPE 7.0 exporting to Word on Sharepoint via Global Configuration

Michael Sweger (114) | asked Feb 27 '22, 9:55 a.m.
I have DOORS 9.7 and RPE 7.0 which will export off of Citrix via the network to my local laptop drive based on the pathname for the Word file to be written in the RPE specification.   However, I'd like to have the specification to be used by others to write to a sharepoint drive location vs. my laptop drive.   The sharepoint drive is on amazon cloud and requires a username password to login.    Thus, how to setup DOORS global configuration to have RPE export to the sharepoint drive or is there another way?

I know that Windchill can specify it based on DOORS global configuration although I don't have this product. I'm not sure about Documentum or any other document repository software.

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Feb 28 '22, 1:02 a.m.

 Did you try using "Post-Command" (under Metadata Properties) in RPE? You can provide one or more commands as "value" for "Post-Command" property.

You can use Windows net use to map a sharepoint library to a drive letter. Then you can use copy command to copy RPE output file(s).

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