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Attribute value URL appears in reports

Eduardo PĂ©rez Soto (338) | asked Feb 03 '22, 3:06 a.m.
edited Feb 03 '22, 3:07 a.m.
After removing some attribute values, in DNG RM they appear as removed. The problem is in the reports, since although in the RM interface there is no value in the reports, the url of the value of the deleted attribute appears.
Is there a way to get around this and permanently remove these values?


One answer

permanent link
David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Feb 03 '22, 5:13 a.m.

Impossible to answer this from the information provided. JRS depends on what tracked resources a data provider exposes through their TRS. If there is an enumeration value referenced by a property, and that enumeration value has not been indxed by LQE, then Report Builder can only show the URI of that enumeration value as referenced by the property. Note that, in DOORS Next, the type system is versioned. Removing enumeration values from an attribute data type will remove it from a specific version of that attribute data type in a specific stream, but that value will continue exist in other configurations and in prior versions of that attribute data type. If you want to progress this further, I suggest you open a case with IBM Rational technical support.

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