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Unbounded Module Artefacts

magnus Elfving (348) | asked Jan 28 '22, 11:12 a.m.


after being manipulating DNG modules using the OSLC REST API, there remaining unbounded module artefacts coming up when querying the database and resulting in (to) large number of items in the response. These are present in the query response, but doesn't exist when I query them by there individually uri. I have unsuccessfully tried to delete the unbounded module artefacts by the REST API DELETE.

Is there any other way to get rid of the unbounded module artefacts that are no longer in use by any module?

Kind Regards 

Ian Barnard commented Jan 28 '22, 2:08 p.m.

Hi Magnus

You should create a support case to get help with this, but NOTE it may not be fixable - really you should make sure your code doesn't create these improperly bound artifacts, because support isn't there to clean up after the mess you've made through API use - you need to use the APIs responsibly and carefully so you don't create this problem.


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