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DNG Restore module

Fabian Weiss (158) | asked May 29 '20, 10:01 a.m.

 Hi all,

is there a way to restore a deleted module (Module artifacts still exists, only the module was deleted by mistake)? 
It would be enough to restore it from the last baseline. Is there a way to restore only this single module (with the old artifacts or by using the existing artifacts) and not the whole stream?
A module was deleted, but it wasn't changed since last baseline, so the whole module should be restored. 
But switching to baseline, copy artifact and paste in current stream doesnt work.

Best regards,


One answer

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered May 30 '20, 10:51 a.m.

 Hi Fabian,

The best way to recover deleted artifacts is by creating a new stream based on the baseline that contains deleted artifacts. Of course the problem is if you want to recover only one deleted artifact and do not change other because in this case creating a stream from baseline wont work.

The only workaround to fix the current situation is exporting a module from baseline using a ReqIF and importng it to the stream You are currently using. If You will do it this way a new module will be created and filled with the artifacts You have in your project (new copies wont be created). 

Unfortunetly, when You deleted a module You have lost all comments and links in the module context, this can be fixed too but will require more investigation.

I think this workaround will solve the main problem You have.

If You will have more questions or need help just send me an email.


Fabian Weiss commented Jun 03 '20, 4:02 a.m.

Thank you Bart.

My problem is, that I haven't a ReqIF definition in this baseline for this module. So it seems, I have to export with csv... 

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