Output processing error "CRRPE3096E" in RPE for excel output with 'Data in single cell' property set to true
I am attempting to generate an Excel format export from DNG using RPE. My goal is to display each richtextBody content in a single cell, so I have set the 'Data in single cell' property to true in the Document Specification of the Microsoft Excel output. However, I encountered an 'Output processing error: CRRPE3096E. Output processing could not continue due to an error.' for tables. Is there any way to overcome this issue?
RPE version: IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing 7.0.3
Accepted answer
Hi Bo,
Here is suggestion about the error https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/elms/elo-p/7.0.3?topic=messages-crrpe3096e.
Hi Fariz,
Thank you for the suggestion. I tried the solution 'Restart the application and try again' from the URL, but it didn't resolve the error. I discovered that this error only occurs when parsing DNG requirements that contain figures (not tables, as I previously described). I suspect this is a software bug that needs to be escalated to the IBM RPE team.
We tried internally on M32 build , could not reproduce this .
Would you let us know which version you are using ?
If possible also share the template or some details about how you have designed it so it can help us reproduce.
Hi Karan,
I was using M31 build and just upgraded to M32, but the issue still persists.
I'd like to share snapshots of the setup, but I don't have enough reputation points. So, here are some additional textual details:
Regarding the failed requirement: it includes a figure in PNG format, followed by a empty line then the figure's name in the same requirement.
For the template: Used a text element inside a cell of the row element. Use 'dataSource/artifact/content/text/richTextBody' as the query and 'dataSource/artifact/content/text/richTextBody/div' as the value for this text element.
For the document specification: Used Excel as the output format and set 'Data in single cell' to true.
DNG build version:
Thank you for the help!
It looks like there is an issue running the template from DNG , can you try to run a simple template where you can use "data in a single cell" and run it from Publishing studio/launcher.
Might be the RRDG/EDG version is not latest and hence facing this. Let us know your observation.
If you still face issues please create a work item in Jazz.net for publishing project area and attach your templates and specification files we will investigate.