Import CSV with internal links
I'm trying to import a number of Requirement artifacts, some of which have links to other rows in the same CSV file.
Usually a LINK is represented as:
(module id).(artifact id): (name) {LINK id=(module id).(artifact id) uri=(resource_uri)}But how do I write a LINK when the target artifact has no ID or URI yet?
One answer
If the items to link to do not exist, you can not import such a link. In addition, if the import creates the items, the artifact ID is created during the import process, so the link can not be created using the old artifact ID. In cases like that, it would be necessary to run an initial import without links. From the result create a mapping of original artifact IDs to the newly created artifacts ID's. Then it would be required to update the link information in the CSV to the new artifact ID'S and run another import to create the links.
I would also think that the module ID's create the same challenge if you import into a different project area.