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SAFe Program Board -- Iterations Greyed Out

Mariah Koster (112) | asked Feb 15 '21, 12:11 p.m.

 I am trying to figure out why I am unable to use the Program Board in the SAFe template. I can choose teams, but all iteration options are greyed out on the second screen. Can someone please help me resolve this issue? 

Thank you!

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Feb 16 '21, 7:49 a.m.


Good morning
Hi what do you have setup in the Project Configuration?
- Timelines and iterations.
- If you are using Teams have you defined the correct Timeline and iteration?
- If you are using Teams are these assigned to a category?

Just some quick checked which may or may not help

Mariah Koster commented Feb 16 '21, 12:55 p.m.

Hi Matt,

We have one Timeline and multiple child iterations set up.

We are using Teams and they are alined to the top level timeline (we are only using one) and the in progress iteration is set to Current.

Teams are assigned to various categories (maybe this is the issue?)

I tried to add pictures, but I am unable to do so. 

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Thank you for your help!


Matt Muller commented Feb 17 '21, 9:58 a.m.


I have an IBM Jazz Sandbox and it seems to be working in there.
If you setup a trial sandbox I assume you will be able to use the sandbox EWM project to compare. 

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