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JazzReportingService 6.0.4 Jena DB corrupt

Jose Omar Oseguera Chijate (3429) | asked Sep 04 '20, 2:23 p.m.

I have a JRS 604 that just recently got the following error on logs:

2020-09-04 12:12:32,229 [              WebContainer : 2] ERROR TDB                                                 -[nodes](9452759)[filesize=9954520][file.size()=9954520]: Impossibly large object : 791638625 bytes > filesize-(loc+SizeOfInt)=501757
2020-09-04 12:12:32,229 [              WebContainer : 2] ERROR com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.solver.BindingTDB               - get1(?hasDataService)
com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.base.file.FileException:[nodes](9452759)[filesize=9954520][file.size()=9954520]: Impossibly large object : 791638625 bytes > filesize-(loc+SizeOfInt)=501757

Also the following error is seen when checking the url: https:localhost:port/rs/setup

Error Status 400
Error Message Bad Request
Error Substatus CRRGW5328E
Detailed MessageCRRGW5328E An error occurred on the server. For more information, see the Jazz Reporting Service log file.

Searching through the net i found similar issues happening to a RM with Jena db, indicating a reindex would fix, also found information about fixes for JRS version 7. None of those work on version 604 since it doesnt have indexes and the scripts that fix this issue are only for version 7.

Checked and there doesnt seem to be any sort of backup and we are not sure since when exactly this corruption happened.

Anyone has any information on how to fix corrupt JenaDB on JRS 604?


Fariz Saracevic commented Sep 04 '20, 5:24 p.m.

I would advise you to update your JRS to the latest version since 6.0.4 is going out of support next year. If that is not possible right now, pls open IBM support ticket, so they can analyze this issue.

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