RQM custom adapter development
Am working on custom adapter development taking help of the information from https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMTestAutomationAdapterAPI
When we create a test script in RQM, the adapter Type dropdown list contains options like Command Line, Rational Functional Tester, Manual, etc. And on selecting any of the value in the list, the UI changes accordingly and prompts user to input the Script details.
I want to develop similar custom UI for my adapter. Can anybody provide me the API link that guides us in development of such custom UI.
Thanks in advance.
3 answers
Go to Project Area Administration -> Test Artifacts -> Custom Execution Adapter Types. There user can define Input Parameter for the custom script. Based on that, UI will render those parameters.
Ashish, Anurag,
There are 2 kinds of execution adapter.
- OSLC based adapter - Sample available under public Lyo project. https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMTestAutomationAdapterAPI has instruction for it
- Reportable Rest API based adapter using adapter library. Like RFT adapter.
Which adapter are you referring?
Ashish Mathur
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jul 28 '20, 12:56 a.m.Hi Subhajit,