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Is there a way to use an encrypted password for RQMURLUtility?

Pierre Bentkowski (106517) | asked May 05 '21, 10:30 a.m.
I need to call the  RQMURLUtility in a PUB (RPE) template.

When doing the call I need top provide the user id and the password.
I do not want the user to provided them manual.
I can use the following PUB Internal Variable: _sessionInfo.getDatasourceProperty

When I get the password
_sessionInfo.getDatasourceProperty("aDataSource","password", "")
I get an encrypted version of the password.

Is there a way to use that encrypted password for the RQMURLUtility?
Or get a clear version of the password from _sessionInfo?

Thank you

2 answers

permanent link
Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered May 07 '21, 9:29 a.m.

 Please use clear version of the password. it can not accept encrypted version of the password.

Pierre Bentkowski commented May 18 '21, 10:04 a.m.
That defeat the whole purpose.

Doing this would mean that the user will need enter the password in clear in a PUB template variable.

Is the _sessionInfo.getDatasourceProperty can be set to return the clear password?

What is the purpose of getting a encrypted password? Who can consume it?

permanent link
Pierre Bentkowski (106517) | answered May 18 '21, 11:23 a.m.
Currently there is no way to use an encrypted password for RQMURLUtility.

I have created en enhancement.

Jackie Albert commented May 18 '21, 11:37 a.m.

Could you provide the link to the enhancement?

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