Link Testcase to Requirement via RqmOslcQmV2 API not working

I am trying to link a testcase to Requirement via the RqmOslcQmV2 REST API.
To test the POST/ PUT Request, I linked the Testcase to the Requirement manually in the Browser over the ALM GUI.
After that I downloaded the XML file over the RQMOSLCQmV2 Rest API with a GET Request. This worked perfectly.
The URL I used was:
The Header for the POST/ PUT Request is:
OSLC-CORE-Version: 2.0
In the XML file are all information about the testcase and the requirement as it should be. However, when I try to upload this XML file (copy the XML data in the body field) via a POST or PUT Request without any changes to the file and the same URL used in the GET Request, it doesn't work. Instead I get the following Responses.
Permission denied
Your account does not belong to the groups required for the requested resource.
Status Code 403
I checked the permissions and they were correctly set. I was also able to link the requirement to the testcase in the Browser without any problems.I have an Administrator role and all the required permissions
with resourceType for example testcase.
A client error occurred while running the HTTP operation, PUT, at this URL: ....
Status Code 400
The ALM version is ifix 018.
Does someone see a mistake in this workflow or has any tips on how to correctly link a testcase with requirements?
Thanks in advance,
Samir Schürmann
2 answers

The correct way to update Test Case via OSLC is to use PUT with Concept URL of the QM Resource.
This URL can be found at oslc_qm:TestCase property from GET response.
<oslc_qm:TestCase rdf:about=<concept url>>
Alternatively, this URL can be formed by finding dcterms:identifier from the GET response and using it to form URL as follows :
<server>:port>/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/<ProjectArea>/resources/<dcterms:identifier ID>