OSLC api formation for Configuration managemnet enabled Project Area

Component name : tools.electronics (uuid : _we56dgrtf2435g)
https://local host/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Electronics_QM/testplan?fields=feed/entry/content/testplan/[id=2]
- What shall be my oslc api formation inorder to get the list of test cases & tcer which linked with test plan 2 (created under component called tools.electronics)
- Also i found oslc_config.context may i know what is this? is it component uuid or stream name ?
5 answers

As described in the OSLC specification https://oslc-op.github.io/oslc-specs/specs/config/oslc-config-mgt.html, the
parameter value is a URI (not a UUID).


When you say "test plan id 2", you are effectively identifying a "concept ID" for an artifact. If you have not activated configuration management for a project area, there will be exactly one artifact with that concept ID. When you activate configuration management for a project area, that means that you can "branch" an artifact, to create a new artifact that has the same "concept ID" as the original. (Note: You branch artifacts with the "create stream" operation ... each time you create a new stream, you branch all the artifacts in that stream.) This means that when configuration management is activated, a request for the properties for a given artifact Concept ID is ambiguous. To disambiguate the request, you have to specify the oslc_config.context, which specifies the configuration (stream or baseline) in which to lookup the "concept ID".

To understand how to use the API with a project area that has configuration management enabled, I recommend reading over the OSLC specification: https://oslc-op.github.io/oslc-specs/specs/config/oslc-config-mgt.html

I am getting response body which contains almost all the information/tags like Creator,Team Area, but only one field which is missing is Test Data, somehow under response xml file, tag for test Data is missing
- Is there any reason that some field present in RQM test script GUI will not show in response?

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