Identify auto TCs from manual TCs in a Plan

One answer

Hi John
A Testcase is neither manual nor automated. It is a subjective question to test a case. The Script is answer to the question of TestCase. The Script can be a automated or Manual but essentially all are supposed to perform the same steps to carry out the test case execution. I would suggest using a category for Testcase with value "Manual" and "Automation" to support query and reporting based on the type. Also note that from RQM v3.0.1 TestSuite's are part of Test Plan similar to Testcase and you can create Test Suite Execution Record similar to TCER.
A Testcase is neither manual nor automated. It is a subjective question to test a case. The Script is answer to the question of TestCase. The Script can be a automated or Manual but essentially all are supposed to perform the same steps to carry out the test case execution. I would suggest using a category for Testcase with value "Manual" and "Automation" to support query and reporting based on the type. Also note that from RQM v3.0.1 TestSuite's are part of Test Plan similar to Testcase and you can create Test Suite Execution Record similar to TCER.