Not able to create custom attributes based upon the test suite
In Rqm, we have test cases in excel. It contains multiple test suites. Columns will differ from one test feature to another feature. So we want to create attribute based upon the test suite level. But now if we create custom attributes it is not coming based upon feature.It is showing all the custom attributes in summary section. Can you pls suggest how to create attributes based upon the test suite level.
One answer
Hi Preetha,
If user creates custom attributes from QM web UI, it will be available in the summary section of test artifacts. For example, if user creates 3 custom attributes for test suites from manage project properties page, then all the 3 custom attributes will be available in the test suite summary section. The excel tool follows the same implementation. The tool just prepares the xml based on the data in a excel sheet and sends to QM server to create the test artifacts.
For more details on custom attributes please see
Hi team,
I will tell you Some example. My Requirement is I am having multiple test suites inside excel sheet. Lets say
Power up and power down. In power Up it is having set of attributes i.e columns in excel sheet.(Use case description , Ic_gnition sts,.) and power down will have different set of attributes( Ic_Mbfm_sts and ic_ccu_sts). so we want to create custom attributes for powerup and power down based upon the feature. If we select Powerup in rqm it should list down the attributes of powerup & if we select power down attributes it should list down the attributes of power down.
Is there any possible way to achieve this?
Hi Preetha,
You can use custom sections in place of custom attributes.
To define a custom section, simply replace the first parameter with a valid XML element name, and the second with a display name:
testsuite.Section("myns:mysection","my custom section")=C
For more details see
Hi Monika,
You are telling for all custom attributes i need to create a section . Then how can i filter it out based upon the feature i.e test suite. if i select particular test suite it should display the corresponding columns only like in excel sheet. Could you pls suggest me in what way we have to do.