Customization of work flow of a work item using server side plugin?

Hi All,
Is it possible to customize the work flow of the RTC work item , by adding new states between two existing states in the work flow using plug in?
Can we get the flow chart of the work flow of the work item automatically from the RTC by any means (using plugin or any other way)?
Kindly answer to the above questions. Thanks in advance.
Waiting for the reply...
Accepted answer

- No, you can't customize the workflow that way.
- You can get the state and transition information using the Java API. See . The workflow is also in the process XML, if you lake to process that more. You can use visulization tools of your choice to render and show it. When you have rendered it it can be presented. See last lab at the end.

Hi Ralph,
Thanks you.
Please let me know , is it possible to attach a image file in the description of the work item in RTC while creating the work item using plugin ? Kindly let me know is there any alternative ways too?
Thanks in advance.

You should not use automation to attach images to a work item.
You should read last lab at the end.

Hi Ralph,
Thank you, the lab guide you suggested is worked for me.
But just with curiosity, can we make the images in the wiki type attribute Clickable or mouse-over highlighting? Currently we make this as static images , can we make them as dynamic responsive to the user actions? If so, kindly provide the solution. Waiting for ur helping hand again..

I don't think you can. You need to store them as images and they have to be stored exactly the way explained. You can not point to a web location where you render them as far as I know. The wiki would not show it. It only shows it because it is a hover capability within the work item feature.

Hi Ralph,
thanks a lot for your quick reply.