Update/Set Result Details content of RQM Test Result Resource using OSLC/REST API

I'm trying to update a RQM Test Result resource with extendedproperty 'richTextSection' using OSLC API call to 'updateResource'. I believe 'richTextSection' is associated with Result Details section of Test Result where i want to update some content.
Even after client.updateResource executed without any exception Result Details content is not updated and missing from Test Result.
I wonder, Is this correct way to update Test Result resource? Are reportable REST APIs more convenient to achieve this update.
E.g Source code snapshot
TestResult testResult= client.getResource(testresultLocation, OSLCConstants.CT_RDF).getEntity(TestResult.class);
Map<QName, Object> extProp1 = testResult.getExtendedProperties();
extProp1.put(qName, "Comment updated by using API ");
ClientResponse updateResponse = client.updateResource(testresultLocation, testResult,
Map<QName, Object> extProp1 = testResult.getExtendedProperties();
extProp1.put(qName, "Comment updated by using API ");
ClientResponse updateResponse = client.updateResource(testresultLocation, testResult,
Your feedback is appreciated! Thank You!
Accepted answer

Hi Jayesh,
Currently the "richTextSection" property is supported only for creating the test result. It is not supported for updating the test result. Hence Result Details content is not updated using OSLC API call to 'updateResource'.
I would suggest to open an RFE for your use case in RQM.
Thank You,
Vijay Patil