Using the REST API to download lots of test scripts
We are looking to download all of our RQM test scripts, including the steps, to put them into spreadsheet pages, but we have a LOT of them, so downloading each one manually is not the preferred option. I've been looking thru the documentation and forum posts for help or a solution, but they just kind of keep circling back on themselves. I'm also new to RQM, so everything is starting from the ground up.
SO, is there a way, using a scripting language, to easily loop thru all of our projects, and then all of our test scripts in each project, and download the data? I'm not worried about how they come down, XML is fine, we can deal with the data once we have it. We are just trying to find a relatively simple way to get that data.
Thanks in advance for any help, and if there is an easy way that I've just missed, I will accept the appropriate comments!