RQM OSLC API Not Returning Data

I am trying to run this OSLC request to get all test script steps:
On my 6.0.4 server, I am waiting for about 8 seconds, and then see a response with URLs for the next page, etc, and an entry that says "oslc:totalCount" of just over 75K steps. However... none of the information for the individual test scripts shows up. Running it with oslc.paging=true and a limit of 512 entries per page does not help.
The qm.log does have errors indicating a problem with the QueryService, such as:
"A huge result set was found here"
"A result set of 76181 entries was seen"
"The QueryService needed to cache a result set of 14017448 bytes"
and a few thousand lines with "<resource URL> resource was not returned in the OSLC request for collection <my OSLC query URL>"
Do you suppose that I will need to first get a list of test cases and iterate on them using oslc.where? Or is there another suggestion on an easier way? We have imported many test procedures and set a custom attribute "UID" equal to an identifier that we will use to link the steps to requirements with in DOORS (the UID is also an attribute we imported into DOORS, using the original id from where we imported those requirements from).
Accepted answer

From what I could tell the query is working well and is returning all the steps. If you need to get what steps belong to specific number of scripts then you need to go in reverse order. First do a GET for the Test scripts that you require and then look for properties :rqm_qm:containsTestScriptStep.
>The qm.log does have errors indicating a problem with the QueryService, such as:
>"A huge result set was found here"
This is just a warning for the user alerting that you are about to run a big query. Does not affects functionality in any way.
>Do you suppose that I will need to first get a list of test cases and iterate on them using oslc.where?
Probably you will need to go in the order: Test Case -> Test Script > Test script step if that is what you need, otherwise I would recommend opening a support case so our support team can help you on your specific scenario.