RQM / ETM: Setting "copied from" information in e.g. Test Case via REST API
I have a use-case where I need to copy a defined set of test cases in RQM, and I am developing a REST-based solution.
Unfortunately, copiedFrom and copiedRoot are marked as [READ-ONLY] in the XSD, and this information is indeed not stored with my test case duplicate.
It would be good for us to know from which test case the copy was created.
Is there any way to set this information through an API?
One answer
Hi Uwe,
The copy is done via UI and it cannot be set through REST API.
Any Test artifact which was copied from another artifact shows the copiedFrom and copiedRoot links. But these links are read-only and cannot be created/updated REST API.
Monika Rajput
Thank you for your reply.
In the meantime, I've also considered the OSLC API instead of the REST API.
Its documentation at https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmOslcQmV2Api mentions that is is possible to use COPY as HTTP verb to create a duplicate of an artifact, but I cannot get this to work (server response is 501).
Is it really not implemented and the documentation is wrong, or is it simply not possible for test cases?