ETMCopyUtility : Not copying all test artifacts from a project to another server
Hello Team,
We are using ETMCopyutility to copy test plans, test cases, test suites and test scripts from one server 06 to another server 08. The script terminated with partial migration completed. Some testplans were not copied in this full migration , but it was copied if we mention it individually.
Used Command to copy Test artifacts :
set JAVA_HOME="C:\Users\WHA1KOR\Documents\Swathi\Sprint22\August\jdk1.8.0_251"
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\java"TLSv1.2" -jar RQMCopyUtility.jar -s= -us=userID -pws= -sc= -d= -dc= -f -i=builddefinition,buildrecord,channel,executionresult,executionsequence,executionsequenceresult,executionworkitem,objective,request,reservation,resourcegroup,suiteexecutionrecord,datapool,remotescript -l=importlog_08Q_rerun_test_2.txt -c=progressLog_test_cleanup_3.txt -pl=progressLog_test_cleanup_1036.txt
----Copy of individual Test plan------------
set JAVA_HOME="C:\Users\WHA1KOR\Documents\Swathi\Sprint22\August\jdk1.8.0_251"
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\java"TLSv1.2" -jar RQMCopyUtility.jar -s= -us=UserID -pws= -sc= -d= -dc= -f -a=testplan -i=builddefinition,buildrecord,channel,executionresult,executionsequence,executionsequenceresult,executionworkitem,objective,request,reservation,resourcegroup,suiteexecutionrecord,datapool,remotescript -l=importlog_08Q_rerun_test_2.txt -c=progressLog_test_cleanup_3.txt -pl=progressLog_test_cleanup_1036.txt
We want support in copying all the test artifacts ( such as Test plans , Test case , Test script and test suites) . We don't want to use individual copy since we have around 900 test plans to be copied. Any help on how to migrate from one server to another server will be appreciated.