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Importing user after adding that user in JTS, RTC WebSphere is giving error.

Manjunath Badiger (3219) | asked Jul 29 '19, 1:06 a.m.

 After adding user in JTS and RTC WebSphere server, when I tried to import that user in our CLM Web application it si throwing error as 

Problems were encountered importing some of the users:

AAK522991: The new user could not be created because the user name contains one or more of these invalid characters: " & ' / < >

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 29 '19, 1:59 a.m.

 Did you read the error message?

AAK522991: The new user could not be created because the user name contains one or more of these invalid characters: " & ' / < >

Manjunath Badiger commented Jul 29 '19, 2:05 a.m.

Yes of course, 

But, I am not able to see any those invalid characters : " & ' / <> in LDAP. I checked through RDS also, username does not not contain any of those mentioned characters.

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