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Is there a way to auto-archive a user when he/she is detected no longer on LDAP by the sync ?

Accepted answer


Thx Jeff.

Unfortunately I can't share it publicly but if you are an IBM employee send me an internal note.

if no LDAP record can be found
Which APIs are you using to achieve that? Could you post some more info?

My experience is probably the same as Jeff; I'll layout the process.
1) use repotools -exportUsers to send all users to a file
2) using some scripting process scan the file, ignoring those ID already archived (line ends with ,1 i think)
3) use an ldap query ( most *nix have ldapsearch ) with appropriate target and filters to verify each id exists, if not
4) repotools -archiveUser for each one not found in the ldap.
Perl works very well for #2 and one can leverage Net::LDAP to good effect for #3

Wonder if there is a way to capture LDAP sync nightly failures for the list to be archive.
One other answer