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Cross referene between project in DNG

Monali Jambhulkar (8411844) | asked Jul 26 '19, 4:16 a.m.

 Hello All

In DNg i have two project . I want  to reuse one requirement from project A to Project B ( On same DNG server )
Is this functionality available in DNG ?

Please suggest.


2 answers

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Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Jul 26 '19, 5:07 a.m.
Hi Monali,

Modules in Project A can only re-use artifacts from Project A, not from Project B.

You can do project cross reference links to an artifact in Project B from an artifact in Project A.

Details of the linked Project B artifact will show up in a rich hover but the artifact itself will not appear as a re-used artifact in the Project A module.

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Softacus AG (2013) | answered Aug 21 '19, 12:56 p.m.

 Hi Monali,

You can use an Artifact Cloning feature for this. This feature will create a new Artifact from Artifact that you want to re-use, with the same ID, attributes and so on. But with the different Artifact History and also if you make any changes in Cloned or Original Artifact that change is saved only in Artifact in which you make the change.

You can read about this also on our website:

kind regards

Softacus Team

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