Test case icon - not changing from red - symbol
Using CLM 606. We have a RTC story linked to a test case using related test case link type. The link in the story shows a failed indicator (red - symbol).
2 answers
Hi Norman,
In RTC, the link type "Tested By Test Case" will always shows the same icon as its shown for TCER( Test Case Execution Record" being passed /failed. It will show the icon of latest result which we call as "Test Case Result" ( TCR). On hovering the link, you will be able to see all previous runs with appropriate results and their icons.
On the Test case page, probably you would be looking at the "TCER" section. This will have a E type icon with green arrow, indicating that this TCER icon. The one on the RTC story is the "TCR" icon indicating its latest result.
Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar
Thanks for the reply however this is not what we are seeing.
The test case has 4 TCERs. As I had mentioned
- first exec Jul 10 2018 - failed : Which TCER used to run for first execution?
- 2rd run Aug 17 2018 at 10:37 - passe: Which TCER used to run for first execution?
- 2 additional runs after this, all passed: Which TCER used to run for first execution?
I guess at least the "first exec Jul 10 2018 - failed" used different TCER as subsequent executions. In that situation, you have multiple test case results based on different TCERs. No matter when you add TestCase -WorkItem link, it will show the status icon for the Test Case result. As you have multiple test case results here on different TCERs, for example, you have 3 TCERs for this test case used to execute in 4 executions,first exec Jul 10 2018 - failed - TCER12rd run Aug 17 2018 at 10:37 - passed - TCER22 additional runs after this, all passed - TCER3
So the latest test case result status for TCER1, TCER2 and TCER3 would be: Failed, Passed, Passed. So how the test case status icon represents the test case result as there are 3 different TCERs(3 different environments)? RQM uses severity to determine which one to represent the status icon, here TCER1 latest result has higher severity (Failed) than another two TCER2 and TCER3(both Passed), hence Failed(red) from TCER1 result will represent the status for this TestCase and it applies to TestCase -WorkItem link as well.I hope this helps.
"The test case has 4 TCERs. As I had mentioned", I want to stress that TCER is Test Case Execution Record, not Test Case Result(you executed 4 times, so you have 4 results but these 4 results may be from the same TCER or different TCERs), so the point here is to determine each test case execution for that test cases using what TCER(you can open each test case result and it will show which TCER is used) and then find out the latest test case result for each TCER used, then use severity to compare each TCER's latest test case result and determine the status icon. If your 4 executions use only one TCER(same TCER), its latest result is Passed as you mentioned, status icon surely should be Passed. But you see the different icon reflecting the first Failed execution result(red), for which my explanation is the most likely scenario.