Is it possible to use ClearQuest and ClearCase Licences for RTC 6.0.6?
According to this conversation it was possible to use a CQ license as a special RTC license that is functionally equivalent to a Contributor license. Is it still actual for RTC 6.0.6? Is it free of charge? And is there any way to use the same license server for both CQ and RTC (I mean if this products can use the same pool of floating licenses)?
2 answers
No fully addressing your question however:
Thank you. Your answer rised another question: is it equivalent exchange between tokens and floating licenses? I mean one floating license = one token when you move your users to the token-based licensing model?
The useage model is not the same. Each app using tokens uses a different amount of tokens. Don't use these numbers as verbatum but for example for Jazz RTC uses 10, RQM 8, DNG 8 . I don't recall how many CC or CQ uses. Each client connection, the user would consume X amount of tokens from the token pool. We negotiated the number of tokens and which apps would be authorized to use the tokens.
No, it is not possible to run RTC with CC or CQ licenses. There have been offerings to change the license in the past. All of them require you to contact IBM and work with a sales person. I do not know what is available today, but I am pretty sure there is a solution.